Monday, October 20, 2008

Mos Def @ Golden Gate Park.

Arrived at the festival around 11am to the warm colorful sounds of jazz. Found out that Mos wasn't going to be on till 5pm. So SLO, chris and I killed some time at the De Young Museum. Heres a few pictures from the 9th floor observation tower.

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After we went to meet up with Abel to get some Park Chow. Had the smoked salmon hash with eggs and english muffin. pictures in a few days.

First time i've seen Mos live. Even though he showed up late and the people behind the festival cut his mic, i was still very satisfied. He was only on stage for about 20 minutes, oh he did almost fall off stage, wonder what he was on.
Heres a video of the cut.

Enjoy the photos

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Anyone see someone here?
ill give you a hint. souls of....

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1 comment:

Francis Ramos said...

love the shots man. that dome background is killer. black star would've been more epic. good times man